The Lie about “The Big Lie”

Opponents of election integrity efforts like to label any opposition or questioning of existing “gold standard” election processes as a “big lie”. But the truth is that there isn’t a single election process in America that is truly auditable. Therefore all of them can be considered a “big lie” if you believe that holding elections that are not auditable is unacceptable.

The problem with all of these current election processes is that in the end, you can’t tell who won with any absolute certainty. It’s impossible to tell on the backend because you can’t run a simple audit of cast ballots no matter if you are hand counting paper ballots, using electronic ballots or using scanning and machine counts. And it’s impossible to properly vet voters on the frontend because they aren’t vetted in person just before each election (just-in-time vetting).

Until those two problems are solved, important questions, concerns and doubts about election systems worldwide will persist - as they should.

The lie about The Big Lie is that it is a lie!

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