Massive fraud has been alleged all over the World - for decades

Vote Tabulation / Ballot Count Stoppage

Ballot Stuffing

Dead People Voting

Absentee Voting Fraud / Illegal Ballot Harvesting

Ballot Alteration

Inaccurate Tally

Unconstitutional Court rulings nationwide (Judicial Fraud)

Did any Fraud Actually Occur?

Did Bernie win? Did Trump win? Whether or not you believe any of this actually happened is not the issue

The point is, if we’re honest about it, one thing cannot be disputed, and that is the fact that looking back, there is simply no way to tell either way

How did we get here? Complacency, for sure, but more importantly an unwise reliance on trust rather than verification through consensus

EIP fixes all that by assuring us that if we follow the protocol, it can never happen

Argument over - no more election denial, nor being accused of it is even possible

Can we please move past this and argue about policy instead? With EIP, we can!

What would have been the outcome had EIP been in place?

Vote Tabulation Stoppage : No effect - Take a break!

Ballot Stuffing : No impact is due to election tokens - Stuff away!

Dead People Voting : Not possible - Dead people can't confirm ballot receipt!

Absentee Voting Fraud / Illegal Ballot Harvesting - EIP will not process unconfirmed remote ballots

Ballot Alteration : Impossible - Distributed Ledger is immutable & tamper-proof

Tally Alteration : Cannot occur - Download election & check for yourself!

Judicial Fraud Concerns : Rendered moot - Unnecessary by simply following the protocol

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