EIP in Practice

While the requirement for secret ballots is the "platinum standard” for public elections, these come only every 2 to 4 years in the US. In the meantime, other types of elections occur and EIP can help facilitate these as well.

For example, many professional organizations hold internal elections all the time. You might hold these at Board of Directors meetings, or to facilitate policy changes over the course of time.

Another consideration is whether or not to hold elections remotely. Public sector elections cannot support this because they require a secret ballot, but not all elections have this stringent requirement. If the voter privacy requirement can be relaxed a little bit, then many other types of elections can be held remotely. This makes the use of EIP a lot more practical and can therefore become widespread - only holding in-person elections when absolutely necessary. This is particularly useful for organizations that are widespread geographically. It’s an efficient and cost-effective way to conduct elections at scale on a regular basis.

From a standards adoption perspective, this is important because people can get used to performing elections in a common way, and so when general (public) elections come along, they are already familiar with the process.

Secret Ballot Elections

Contact us to set one of these up for you. Takes a few minutes to set up a demo.

Mock Elections

We've held one of these to date, deliberating over the best ice cream in the world

Anonymous and Roll Call Elections

Recent changes to the EIP reference implementation now allow the public to conduct elections that don't require a secret ballot (see discussion above). While these types of elections are operating in a degraded mode with respect to the platinim standard of secret ballots & voter privacy, they are nevertheless useful in a wide array of applications.

Please contact us for details and we can point you to EIP compliant organizations that supply these types of services

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